Budget Submission Update

The Budget did not deliver for people with a Spinal Cord Injury and now we must review our campaign and plan for the year ahead. There will undoubtedly be an election in the next 18 months and all the political parties will be preparing their election manifestos. It is essential that we work with all parties to ensure that automatic medical cards are included in all manifestos.

In addition during the parliamentary briefing in Leinster House a number of politicians offered to meet with us and for us to present to the Disability Committee and we will follow up on this too.

You will have heard and read a lot of coverage of the health service being underfunded in this budget and we also need to examine how that will impact people with a Spinal Cord Injury. We are members of the Neurological Alliance of Ireland and supported their submission for more neuro rehabilitation services in the community. They too will be reviewing and planning and we will continue to work with them on this campaign.

We will keep you updated over the coming months.

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